What is MORE?
MORE equips teachers with standards-aligned, evidence-based tools.
Digital activities
Formative assessments of transfer
MORE lessons fit into your science and social studies block while aligning with and strengthening your literacy curriculum.
Students play through MORE digital activities independently and at their own pace anytime during the day.
MORE formative assessments can be used to chart students’ progress over three years.

Three Flexible Tools

Teachers use these three tools flexibly to get their students reading, writing, and discussing complex - and exciting! - science and social studies topics.
Science and Social Studies Units
MORE includes 30 lessons each year in first, second and third grades:
15 science lessons
15 social studies
At the heart of each lesson you'll find:
Concept mapping
Equitable discussion routines
Digital Activities
MORE digital activities are designed to foster transfer to students’ meta-linguistic abilities, including:
Word recognition skills
Language comprehension skills
We want kids to laugh and love playing with language!
Formative Assessments
MORE formative assessments of transfer measure how far students can transfer the knowledge students have acquired from the MORE lessons and digital activities and apply that knowledge to different topics.
MORE is backed by science.
But that doesn’t mean it was cooked up in a lab. Instead of white coats and sterile equipment, think laughing children, messy anchor charts, engaged teachers, and people who care deeply about building proficient readers while teaching them about the world around them.
That’s MORE. It’s a teacher-researcher developed science and social studies curriculum that cause lasting improvements in elementary students reading outcomes. And it works – we've got the science to prove it.

what do teachers say about MORE?
One thing that people might not realize is that MORE also provides many strategies that can be used outside of the MORE units, and we use them all year long. For example, concept mapping and adding structure to student discussions.